LPD & Non-LPD Activities

Learning Professional Development: This week we put together the video we made in week 9 in the lab for our portfolio. I visited the website on going from week 9. About advice needed before you go for your interview you need to find out everything you can about the company. Read your application,CVcovering letter, so that you can think about your skills and qualifications, the question can be on any topic so it’s best to be fully prepared also minor things like make sure you are comfortable how you and what you sitting on if you need water ask before. Dealing with objections, turning negatives into positives, its best to be clear and relate it to your own experience and skills.

Human Financial Recourse: This week we looked at collective institutions. These are trade unions, groups of employees in an organisation representing their employees. It was declined since 1979. We also looked at employment management. This is about creating opportunities for employees to connect with their collegues.it places flexibility change and continuous improvement what it means to be an employee. To understand this in the seminar we did grope activity o employee involvement which is basically initiated by management getting the employers involved. To employee participation which is initiated by employees, in decision making. And then partnership which is the trade union working on working conditions such as flexible hours for employees. We also looked at information and consultation of employee’s regulation 2004. Which is transmitted data transmitted by employer and consultation basically is the exchange of views.

Design Online Learning: this week we looked at the third edition to teaching training and learning.ocsing on the skills with physical dexterity. Baking a cake is an example. This is psychomotor domain. Another domain we were learning about is cognitive over the past weeks this is knowledge and knowing how to and why it rears to thinking skills. Another domain that is essential is affective domain. This is concerned with attitudes. So for example the need to eat healthy. This was further understood in seminar by given a situation and discussing in groups which domain is suited for each situation.

Media law: this week we looked at trademarks it is used to identify makers of goods or providers of services value to manufacturer / service provider, public awareness and identification, public perception of quality, law serves two purposes, to protect goodwill and reputation, to prevent public from being deceived and a mark must be used. We also looked at restricted monopoly this establishes property right in the mark, monopoly in use only in the classes under which the mark has been registered and also its use without permission or use of a deceptively similar mark may be an infringement.

LPD & Non-LPD Activities

Learning Professional Development activities:  are based around career occupations these include researching occupations to your suitable interest. It also includes generating ideas and gathering evidence to show that you are aware of the expectation of responsibility and award for your next job. It is the preparation and awareness of self-assessment, which will drive you through this unit. Various techniques are used to generate career ideas, for example using less structured approaches but instead looking at your own self-assessment of how you would react, change or adopt into working environment. This week we are creating our very own blog.

Media law: we started the 1st hour of the lecture by drawing a sketch of the person sitting next to us and through this, we understood the copyright act. This was by creating our own work and writing the owner name, which is yourself to dictate the publisher therefore it, becomes illegal under the copyright act for anyone to copy your work. We talked through the legislation and the restriction of copyright act throughout the seminar.We also defined what copyright act is and looked at the type of work and event that decides the duration of copyright. For example, type of work literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, event is ' author dies 'and the duration from end of year event is 70 years. This changes as its 50 years for computer generated work and 25 years for typographical arrangements of publicised editions.

Contemporary Media Communications: we had a spokesman come in from BBC in the lecture to explain the methods used to gain information from people this was very useful as it will help us toward our final group presentation we are working in groups to create and present presentation on ethnic minorities and the type of music they listen to. This week we are creating a survey using the website monkey survey to address question relating the subject to ethnic minorities. In the seminar, our group came up with many ideas and question in what we think are suitable and appropriate question to ask members of society. We faced few difficulties such as cutting down the survey and including the question that are relevant yet important for the presentation as we had written down too many question to narrow it down. This will continue in next week before the full completion of the survey.

Human and Financial Management: we looked at competency levels in an organisation. From level 1 looking at activities of all employees to level 4 being activities conducted by top managers. The task was to find out what is important for an organisation for level 2 and 3. This we figured out was the operational and tactical level. Following in the seminar, we looked how different organisation advertises for recruitment. We had bought 4 adverts as a task from home and discussed and compared the adverts in relation to the layout how the organisation attracts employees for instance in the job description include the big salary or use of persuasive language etc. We also looked at the negatives for instance organisation consider the evaluation analysis as advertising could be costly and some organisation do not include salary as it may put off some people or the salary can be negotiable.

Design Online Learning: first half of the lecture was looking at how online teaching can help people of all range to learn. We were shown few online learning methods for instance how to set up a blog or a wiki. This was very basic and perhaps addressed at those who are not in information technology courses. It was aimed at school children or for anybody who does not know how to use or set up wiki or blog. Also we wren given a task between set of groups. A blog was given to us and we had to discuss within us what our response to that blog would begin the seminar we looked and discussed how previous students in this unit did their assignment. This was shown by few examples on PowerPoint and few handouts.

Managing Contemporary Organisation: In the lecture, we viewed a video of buses running in Manchester. The point of this was to see what is expected by customer’s bus driver’s financial owners and managers. Later for this we worked in groups firstly to discuss what is expected by buses in Manchester for customers for instance food customer service...time management. Clean buses, cheap tickets to attract customers. Then we discussed the issues of buses like overcrowded buses, tickets expensive, late dirty buses. Once the issues were obvious we worked as groups to see how we would measure a target so the service is better. For instance as customer we want the buses to arrive on time how we would meet the requirement and the achieving by the service providers. This was later discussed in class.

Contemporary Media Communications: this week we actually worked toward putting together a presentation that we can show to our tutor to see the progress and any amendment that should be made. We got together and put it on PowerPoint. We all chose the background which is grey with white bold writing with shocking pink to attract the audience. We all helped each other with what to include on the slides. Firstly we started with the theoretical background of ethnic minorities followed but interview survey ending to dotcoms reports and graphs to concluding it with goals and drives of bib. This was presented however we came to conclusion that we have done too much information on the slides and need to cut some and only include important relevant information.
 we continued room last week this time looking at the organizational environment. The PESTEL analysis. Political, economical, social technological, environmental and legal. All these make an analysis. This was discussed how its used in the actors in the macro environment or information systems. So political factors could be central and local undoing decisions for public and national libraries. Or even undoing decisions or higher educations. Another example I can provide is for economic actors changes in income and consumer spending patterns. And social factors such as age distribution o target market or changes in family structure. This was ally discussed in the seminar.

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