LPD & Non-LPD Activities

Learning professional Development: This is progression week where we study at home. To take full advantage o this I decided to use my time wisely to continuing with the blog. even though I do the blog after each of my lecture sometime later meeting are held on the weekends for our group work, so I use the time to edit my blog for that unit and input information that we carried out which is useful or next week unit. I also did sum screen shots for assessment sheet 2 to prove that I have visited the websites for my career options. This was completed in Microsoft word.

Human Resources Management: In this reading week I used my time to look through the previous work and links that have been provided by or lecturer to update my sell with the work that we have done up till week 6.this week is to use the time to prepare and plan your assignment. We do not have to sign up for a meeting. however only needed to sign up if we have prepared for the meeting e.g. read the assignment brief, done some initial relevant 'reading around', drafted some content of your assignment, identified specific questions/issues that we need help with. I have done my reading this week, planned a rough draft of my assignment however still need to beak an appointment with my lecturer to confirm.

Design Online Learning: this consolidation week we were provided with a web link http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning_pedagogy/intheirownwords  I visited this link in order to enhance on learning experiences of e- learning phase 1 and 2. To explain the Design for Learning Programme which commenced in May 2006 and concluded in mid 2008, included a Models of Practice project, two Pedagogy Planner projects, nine implementation and evaluation projects and a Support Project run by JISC CETIS. The vision for the Design for Learning Programme, was to bring the technical development and the effective practice strands of JISC e-Learning Programme together, ensuring that the conceptual and practical implementation of ‘design for learning’ is informed by what is known about effective pedagogic practice. This website was very useful for understanding the importance o design online learning and how effective it is for every day users.

Media law: in this week we were advised to use the time to plan our assignment and start researching did this by going to my local library and getting some books related to the assignment on copyright. I also viewed the links provided by lecturer to help me further plan out my assignment. as well as planning out my essay I could not attend 1 of my lectures so this was great opportunity for me to catch up on any missing work or videos that I need to watch.

Contemporary Media Communication: This week as there was no lecture we used the time to catch up with or group work and also any task that were set out individual or instance every group member has to go and interview people from different age groups. I did this during this week. I interviewed 5 people about emotional drive and goals o the bib goals. These interviews were productive and very informative as to the type of music people listen to. I have realised that even though the children are British born they prefer to listen to their home country music. However the older generation do not listen to music that much because o their daily busy lives.

ManagingContemparary Organisation: This week for I planned my assignment. This is by deciding which company I will choose. also I used hits time to catch up and go through any links that I have not done during the past 4 weeks to help me understand what is that is required to input into our assignment. I also looked at the link to Google culture. This is a short video of Google culture in working environment. This helped me decide what type o company I would base my research on formal or informal atmosphere. This was very useful and great short audio to watch.

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