LPD & Non-LPD Activities

Learning Professional Development: this week one of the students who graduated from our course who works or the company Axe came as a guest speaker to aware us of the recruitment process by a company required from a graduate student. It’s not just the qualification that is important. I learnt that employers are looking or self assessment based questions to address you when taking an interview. It’s your persuasive language and experience as well as skills that you put into daily practice that is essential. It is not all about information technology driven attributes it’s more to do with communication. How you can communicate and put urn self across to be the best applicant there company needs. The graduate students are wanted as they are enthusiastic and motivated to work and bring new ideas to a company. Throughout the presentation we could ask any relevant questions and were asked question relating to working environment. This was with the bribery of quality street chocolates.

Human Recourse Management: this week we looked at learning interventions and how this related to categorising methods of learning. There are several methods of learning these can be put into 4 types. Pedagogical: which is teacher driven. For example a lecturer teaching students.2 group based, this involves case studies, projects, role play and business games.3 Andragogical this is more about the learner even though the support is provided but the learner has to be active. 4 individually based this is all about sell managing or instance in mum there is e-learning supported by Web ct for mum students. We also looked at a short clip video of 2 pigeons learning style. Honey and Mumford’s learning styles were also addressed in the seminar based on Kolb. There are four stages Experience (activist learners) followed by the Review (reflectors learners) o the experience to concluding from the experience by Theorist learners to finally planning the next steps by down to earth pragmatist learners.

Design Online Learning: this week we looked at how we know about how adults learn. To fully understand this we looked at the ELC. From experience which is the actually doing o something to its process. Then generalising it with an application of goals closure and climate setting. To further understand this theory we did group work using the same heading to understand how a child will learn through its experience of baking a cake. So for instance generalising would be for the child to follow the cake recipe. To asses our teach we wren told to bring scissors in this lecture. We were shown an example o paper cut once and it was a shape o a cross. We had to figure out how we can do this by only cutting the paper once. This was successfully done by our group member.

Media law: this week we looked law of breach of confidence this is important as we have to consider this in out assignment which is due later on. In the lecture we addressed everyday importance of the law of confidence in areas such as business information and trade secrets and the obligation of confidence that most persons owe to others, its basis in equity and usefulness as an adjunct to other IP rights. It is essential to look at development of the modern law of confidence; three elements that are required for an action for breach of confidence. The quality of confidence that information must have to be capable of protection; the four elements in testing confidential quality. Also further dimensions of trade secrets, third parties and public interest. The key areas of express contractual terms, the employer/employee relationship, ex-employees and covenants in restraint of trade, and unauthorised use; remedies available at law for breach of confidence. It is important to understand the distinction between copyright and confidence. Copyright protects the expression of an idea and Confidence can protect the idea itself.

Contemporary Media Communications: this week as a group we were given a task to do over the reading week to interview people of different age groups still sticking to the African and Asian population. 3 out 5 members completed the task set however the other two need to bring in the interviews so we can add the data and see the different reviews we got room the age range listening to music by ethnic minorities. I interviewed children and adults so I get a mixture of reviews of how music is used in their daily lives and the need of stimulation and relaxing from day to day activities. Our next step is gathering the information in a gnat chart so we can present to the audience our results. We also need to work on 1 of our group members who hesitates when it comes to presentation therefore we will do a practice presentation which will be conducted in a meeting on Thursday. This is also presented to the rest of the class to boost our confidence.

Managing Contemporary Organisation: This week we looked at emotional intelligence. By this we mean Emotion refers to a feeling state (including physiological responses and cognitions) that conveys information about relationships. For example, happiness is a feeling state that also conveys information about relationships, typically, that one would like to join with others. Similarly, fear is a feeling state that corresponds to a relationship, the urge to flee others. Intelligence refers to the capacity to reason validly about information.This use of the term in this fashion is consistent with scientific literature in the fields of intelligence, personality psychology, and emotions.

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