Week 4

LPD & Non-LPD Activities

Design Online Learning: in the lecture we discussed and did activities regarding self study the week before. For our self study we had to view visual videos as well as doing few tasks in relation to this. In our lecture we discussed the outcome of self independent study. I personally enjoyed self study as the videos wren simple easy to understand and review however I was lacking motivation to do self study. We also evaluated how many people enjoyed it and the negatives of learning at home. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation was the main concern for people to be told what to do or finding some kind of inner motivation to of self study. In the seminar we worked I groups to find out what sort of learners we are. For instance activist, theorist, reflector. I considered myself to be activist, as I like short task, excitement and flexibility involved. Others in my group were mixture of activist and reflectors. Those who are reflectors like to think before they contribute in a discussion also they do not like to be put on the spot to talk for example presentations.50 percent of our group enjoyed and completed the activities for self study.

Contempary Media Communications: In this lecture we looked at slides of how elderly people use information technology. This includes the differences and in comparison to children. Elderly people find it fairly hard to use new technology. Using the mouse of a computer. Reading text of a computer screen. Lack of knowledge for browsing. In the seminar we looked through the survey we completed on survey monkey and edited any mistakes made. Once this was complete we made the survey available online in face friends can confect these surveys and we will have results from different ethnic minorities. We also discussed emotional drives and goals which need to be included in the interview as the survey is asking basic questions. The interview will be audio asking different age and ethnic minorities for the coming week.

Human and Financial Management: this week in the lecture we looked at job description and the methods used to recruit individuals. This is including selection interviews, which involves the unsafe of scenario questions and behavioural questions. The importance of this is to understand and pt the interviewer on test for example proficiency test. We looked at probing and prompting. By this we mean asking interviewee past experience or skills. Hiss helps the interview decide which individual will be best for the requirement of the job tittle.all o this is to help us to write and think o important type of questions for our person specification in our assignment. We did some examples in groups of how and which type of questions w would ask to help us understand the importance.

Media law: this was continued about copy right act from last week. We learned Moral rights that are independent from ownership of copyright, i.e. the concept of the 'creative bond' as well as rights of paternity, integrity, false attribution and privacy. It’s the application of these rights in regards to computer programmers, ownership and the mechanisms for exploiting or dealing in copyright, e.g. third party exploitation, licences and collecting societies. It is important to understand the distinction between authors who enjoy moral rights, and owners who enjoy economic rights. This was explained and discussed throughout the seminar ad lecture and also will help us for our assignment. We also reviewed news report in a guardian about a church and small businesses accusing picture agencies of using heavy-handed tactics when pursuing payment.

Learning Professional Development activities: this week there was no lecture therefore I continued with ma blog by minimising and summarising activities conducted in other lectures to edit this blogging also looked at the information provided if you are unsure of decision making. Gathering all the evidence from my research looking at values, interest and self assessment it helped me to make decision of what I want to do. I had to identify other career options not suggested by this programme, but in relation to research my personal profile’s had made my mind up by the help of my past work experience, or applying directly through job applications. Witch I have done in the pasts have worked in deferent places. For example call centre and retail. They both are different and the fore has gained essential skills for my future job.

Managing Contemporary Organisation: This week we started the lecture by looking at brief of our assignment. This needs to be in for 10th march.  We discussed and raised question regarding the work. The main assessment is to understand and critically evaluate the application of theoretical constructs to organisational analysis. Also the use of appropriate management tools in specific situations. There organisation does has to be real it can be fictional. There are 3 parts to this introduction scoreboard and improvement and change. In the seminar we drew a picture of an organisation to understand organisational structure in the digital age. Its formal systems of relationships, governing activities of employees, cooperating to meet common goals. We also addressed organisation evolution, this is as the organisation in complexity it will specialisation and co-ordination.

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