Week 11

LPD & Non-LPD Activities

Learning and professional development: this is the last week to fill in my blog as an assignment task for this unit. In the lecture we analysed reports as anonymous. In this report we had to overview the past 3 years at university.Improvments things we would have changed if we were given another chance also. This report was anonymously given back to the tutor for university feedback from students. We also talked and reflected on assignment 2 for this course. As a group activity I was called to answer a question about how university has changed me, which I answered that it has changed me to become independent, improved ma communication skill more confident.

Communication media: this week we practiced the presentation where all of our group got together and practiced it together. We divided the minutes between us so we can all have a part and conclude the presentation in 20 minutes. We also worked on the conclusion and hypothesis. This was important as we had to reflect on what we expected from this presentation and how it relates to becoming a positive or negative conclusion. Both were as important to show that we have had difficulties as well as presentation going and successful as we would want it. This will be presented next week in front of pupils and tutors.

Media law: This week in midi law we learnt about Domain names, trademarks, cyber squatting and other abuses. Domain names are created to serve as useful mnemonic means of locating specific computers on the Internet. Domain names as trademarks it increases numbers of companies exist wholly or primarily on the Internet and many seek to register trademarks that consist of domain names. There is however conflicts with domain names these are domain names are global and must be unique. Particular character string can only point to one site also trademarks may overlap in different categories or different geographical locations for example many individuals and organisations may share the same name. This is continued for next week.

Managing Contemporary Organisations: in week 11 we continued to Porters value chain from last week. This supports the assessment of strengths and weakness in internal process. It also identifies ways to create more customer values wall as identifying the strategic activities that create value and cost in a specific business. Business need to analyse nod benchmark costs and performance through all activities. From this success will depend on all stages but also the effectiveness of the coordination at the various processes in the value chain. Also this week lecture we could any question relating our coursework that is due in later.

Human Financial Resources: this week we looked at conflicting and exiting the organisation. Conflict at work can occur for various reasons, for example, behaviour/conduct, attendance, performance, and bullying and harrassment.Tworelevant concepts are 'discipline' and 'grievance Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints that employees raise with their employer. Employers use disciplinary procedures to tell employees that their performance or conduct isn't up to the expected standard and to encourage improvement. Exiting the organisation this is because HR exit an organisation for a variety of reasons which may be voluntary (e.g. retirement or resignation in order to pursue another job) or involuntary e.g. as a result of disciplinary procedures or redundancy.

Design online learning: This week we reflected back on the simple learning which is effective. This is continued this week looking at behavioural SMART objectives. Specific they should state clearly what the student should knowable to do, and at what level. Mesuarable, attainable, realistic and and time appropiriate.but it is important not to let the tail of defining the objectives wag the dog of the aims of the course or session. For example, the hard-liners will insist that all objectives are predicated on a behavioural verb. (Incidentally, given that competence-based curricula have largely been developed by people of this ilk, how is it that performance criterion are written in the passive voice?) Such a verb defines an activity which students can observably undertake. We will continue this next week to further understand this topic for online design learning.

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